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A member registered Feb 09, 2021

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is there a way to download for iPhone???

Same. It looks like something i would share with my girlfriend

You are supposed to type in a word like that. Thats what that means

i can read 1,000 words a minute. That's how. I was also playing for about 4 hours when going to bed. I would go to bed and play until like 12 or 1 in the morning. Then when I got home from work. I'd play for a couple hours. Then I'd play at bedtime again.

In the update now. You are avle to fuck spencer but he doesnt like it so you stop. But on the last day with spencer he fucks you. So far thats it with spencer. As for darius. No its not possible

Okay. Is there a Spencer update coming soon cuz I need more of Spencer. Is that the end of his story or is there more coming. 34 days is nothing. I finished that in one hour. Come on. I want more Spencer. I'm legit crying cuz there is no more on his rn